Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Changing Objeck 3D into 2D Objeck

Tips & tricks Transform 3D to 2D Object

This time I will try to provide tips & tricks on how to change objeck 3D into 2D objeck

first you have to do is:

1. Make any 3D objeck you should be able to expand with the Align command

2. Try on every spread objeck 3d, you have to prepare the sample one side of the 3d object that you want to expand it.

3. When using the Align command, you've got to understand the logic in what direction you want the 3d objeck spread.

4. At prosses pembentangkan, you must carefully mentukan points objeck 3d points from which you created.

5. Usahan objeck objeck 3d 3d you are not a solid.

6. Concentration and do not despair, and keep trying.

Maybe it was just tips & tricks that I can give to the readers. Hopefully helpful

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